PlayTyme Papillons
PlayTyme Papillons  

Papillon Breed Information

Papillon Colors like Tri Black/white Sable/white 

Papillon Health Testing

Papillon Breed History Purebred for over 700 years

The Papillon is an amazing dog who's beauty and intelligence make it a very amiable companion.  Papillons' are loyal to their families and are fun, devoted companions.  They have the energy to play in the yard, take long walks or hike with the family, but they are also willing to lie quietly beside while you enjoy a good book or movie. 

This delightful lively dog is fun and easy to live with and will fill your life with joy and memories.  They give love, expect nothing in return and remain ready to meet your needs.  Bred for over 700 years, this is a small dog whose courage surpasses their strength.  They are a fine-boned dog with a graceful elegant appearance.  The Papillon can be seen in tapestries, sculptures, and paintings dating back to the 1500's.  Their name means "butterfly" which is depicted in their appearance with the symmetrical markings and large ears. These ears give the butterfly-like characteristics.  They were not recognized by the American Kennel club until 1915 and the Papillon Club of America formed in 1935.

They are being used today as service and assistance dogs for people who face challenges everyday of their life.  Since their size allows them to be lap dogs, many people enjoy the freedom this little dog can offer without having to own a large service dog.  And while they cannot open doors, or carry large objects, they can pick up small objects off the floor, retrieve needed items, be trained for the hearing impaired, and offer companionship for people who are lonely.

Please don't tell a papillon that he's small because he'll never believe you.  Their heart is as big as their spirit.  The breed can expect longevity, boasts beautiful form to function movement, and has very few health problems.  Because of the continued diligence of responsible breeders a well-bred papillon is a healthy vibrant companion.  They will steel your heart, qualify your home as 'theirs', and use their high level of intelligence to delight you on a continual basis.

Contact Us Today!

Papillon Breeder of:


Multiple Best in Specialty show winning


Multiple years in a row

Top 5 Papillon in Breed Multiple years in a row

Top 5 Papillon in All breed

AKC Champions

AKC Grand Champions

AKC Agility titles

AKC Obedience

AKC rally titles

AKC Trick dogs,

AKC Barn Hunt,


Akc tracking

AKC scent work

AKC dock diving and more.


Multiple working

Service Dogs and

Hearing dogs


The Butterfly dog that does it all

Papillon Breeder in Michigan

Phone: +1 6162171616


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