We offer full service Grooming by appointment
Standard Package $100
- Professional Shampoo bath
- Professional Conditioner
- body message
- Hand blow dry
- Hand brushing and loose hair removal
- Trim and Cut hair
- Ears Cleaned
- Trim Nails
- Fragrance
Deluxe Package $150
- *Legends Show Dog Shampoo Bath
- *Legends Show Dog Conditioner
- body message
- Hand Blow Dry
- Hand Brushing and loose hair removal
- De-shedding
- Show dog Trim and Cut hair
- Ears Cleaned and plucked
- Trim & File Nails
- Brush teeth
Full Body Clipped
- $100 additional to any bath package
- full body clipped short
Puppy Bath $50
- Introduce puppies (under 5 months) to the process
- owners favorite products for Shampoo/conditioner
- blow dry
- nail trim
- ears cleaned
- body message
Discount to regular clients of Every 8 weeks